Our best investment…

Logimach® is the ideal partner for those who, like you, want to improve and make logistics more efficient in production environments.

For you who are not satisfied with a standard cart, because "it is not exactly what you need."

For you who are looking for effective solutions from those who know your sector.

"When our customer has a problem to solve, we listen to them carefully and understand the goals they want to achieve. We love to learn new things and we never stop studying.

In this way, through our dynamic, highly qualified staff with a strong propensity for innovation, we are able to propose the best solutions."

Logimach, through its consultants and collaborators, is able to propose tailor-made carts suitable for working even in specific environments.

"At Logimach, we believe that a cart, in addition to being a valid work tool, should contribute to increasing productivity and improving the work environment. A more comfortable work environment also benefits workers and increases their sense of belonging to their company."

The innovative solutions proposed simplify the movement of load units, even in specific environments, with the aim of increasing productivity, improving your work environment and that of your collaborators.

...a bit of history

Dynamic People

Some time ago, in a meeting, we looked for a word that would represent who we are and the goals we want to achieve.
So we looked at our product range, but it has completely changed in recent years.
Then we looked at our customers, but they have doubled in recent years.
Then we focused on our production methods, but even here we found a huge difference from previous years.

Change is the tool of our evolution!
Logimach, Dynamic People

Logimach® was born from an idea of the brand's founding partners, Marco and Christian Minotti, who, after participating in an important international logistics fair, realized that they were getting bored of producing, like so many others, always the same carts and always talking about the same logistics topics.
Together, they decided to focus on the production of stainless steel machines, made to measure and for specific needs: they take advantage of the know-how and experience of many years of presence on the market (the company Carrellificio Cesenate was founded in 1977, almost fifty years ago!) to dedicate themselves only to the construction of carts used in production and in niche logistics.
Sectors where customers are extremely demanding and need a reliable and well-trained partner in their sector.
A hard job, but at the same time much more rewarding and ambitious!
The same ambition that accompanies us even today: to meet the needs of our customers with ever better and more innovative solutions.
april 4

Our numbers...









Year of history


april 2

Research and Development

Our team is always looking for the best technology and the right materials.
Every day, our technicians study new production processes to obtain the best carts for your sector.
And this is the real daily work that our collaborators do within the company.

But... what really differentiates us from other companies that, like us, offer special carts?

We study the specific sector of our customer.
We want to know its dynamics, details, and criticalities.
We ask our customers questions, we don't stop at the first answers, often superficial, we look for details and clear information that then allow us to develop the solution.
We know that the best technology and innovative ideas remain only theory if they cannot be really useful to those who will use them.
Otherwise, we will only do theory and, as other companies do, we will use the latest acclaimed technology to make salespeople talk about how beautiful and modern the carts they produce are.


by Carrellificio Cesenate S.N.C.

Via Cerchia di Sant’Egidio, 850
47521 - Cesena (FC)

P. Iva e C.F. 00655100402


Tel. +39 0547 381150
Fax +39 0547 631202
Mail: info@logimach.com



Logimach® Xteel® Lwk® Rwk® Formula Uno®

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